‘?????? – Traditional Peking Duck with Condiments’
A whole duck by ourself and the smell of the roast duck skin . . . . just cant get my hands on it.
The usual ingredient that needed to be add in.
When she cut thru the skin, there is a crack sound of the skin, listen to that sound also excited, shows the sign of cripy~
She slice the skin so professionally so thin in slices.
Tadaaa, this is the end result by wrapping the skin and condiments in it. I just finish this 2 piece within seconds.
Yumm.. I think the peking duck is one of the best!
.-= iamthewitch´s last blog ..Mini Reunion at Tony Roma’s Pavilion =-.
i really love peking duck/crispy aromatic duck eaten with the spring onion, cucumber and wrapped. this one looks pretty good…. which place serves the best duck served this way? and what about roast duck?
.-= lechua´s last blog ..A Wedding at 32 Mansion Penang =-.
Wooooo….tempting peking duck!!! I want!
.-= uLi´s last blog ..Fun Kee Bamboo Noodle (?????????) =-.
wah i was drooling at the peking duck loh!!