On that day after finishing our Bak Chang making, we head to Toh Lee Chinese Restaurant located at level 2 of Nikko Hotel to try out the Bak Chang also proceed to dinner on that night.
I just love how the way they set up the restaurant with traditional concept decorate floor with red carpet, dim orange yellow lights with chinese setting on the table.
Chef Lo is the man behind this great restaurant with his culinary skills and experience, the food and presentation is great~
‘?????? Boiled Garoupa Fillet, Poached Egg and Coriander Leaf Soup’
Is the dish that start off for the night, and seriously it was a unique soup base that I dine for the first time. The soup is clear yet flavourful. – Recommended
One of the hidden piece fish garupa fish fillet had been boil so soft and dip it with a bit of soy sauce is simply delicious. I wish I had 2 bowls of this.
Yumm.. I think the peking duck is one of the best!
.-= iamthewitch´s last blog ..Mini Reunion at Tony Roma’s Pavilion =-.
i really love peking duck/crispy aromatic duck eaten with the spring onion, cucumber and wrapped. this one looks pretty good…. which place serves the best duck served this way? and what about roast duck?
.-= lechua´s last blog ..A Wedding at 32 Mansion Penang =-.
Wooooo….tempting peking duck!!! I want!
.-= uLi´s last blog ..Fun Kee Bamboo Noodle (?????????) =-.
wah i was drooling at the peking duck loh!!