Sometimes I do wonder that how did Jonathan manage to find all the details of eat all you can meal and this round he suggest us to come to this place which he had been mentioning for quite some time. I did ignore him a few times as that time I was quite phobia of tim sum, eat too often in such a short time. It was Friday, so at least we can have something nice. RM28++ per pax.
When we walking, I had that kind of impression that, hrmm..another classic chinese deco style restaurant?
In a 5 star hotel area located at Seri Kembangan do expect to much but did impress a little.
With the menu and tick on the selection of food you want.
Fragrance tea that suits my licking that create a thin sticky layer on my tongue.
This would be a short post with pictures illistration mostly, but what I would say, with the amount that I am paying, I would go for other shop instead of this one. The food is not bad but the service is pain in the ass with lack of man power for Friday lunch yet alot of Bangla working and the walk like turtle. So do not expect good service.
-= Ka Ching =-
Food Rating 6.5/10, So so lah~ -Stamped-
–Warning– This is based on my individual taste. Try it at your own risk-
Cheng Ho Court
The Mines Beach Resort and Spa,
Jalan Dulang, Off Jalan Balakong,
The Mines Resort City, Seri Kembangan
Malaysia 43300
Tel : 0389436688