Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Years – Relaunch @ Chaze
I have not heard about Jonnie Walker Green Label for quite a while till recently was invited to attend their relaunch where I have also learnt that during the revision…
Duksune Fresh Meat Store (덕수네 정육점) & Eat All You Can Korean BBQ Restaurant at RM 32.90 @ Solaris KL
Solaris KL had suddenly revive back to life where now it has florish to be the next new Little Korea where so many Korean restaurants are popping out. One of…
Jacob’s Creek Heritage Wine Collection Wine Pairing Dinner @ Saujana Resort & Hotel
For many wine lovers, Jacob's Creek is one of a familiar brand to many of us out there, also more of a well known Australian Wine brand to many. Till…
Whipper Snapper Distillery @ Kensington Street, Perth
In Perth, of course am looking for wine and whisky to buy back and I was searching all over google and stumble upon this brand that sits right in Perth…
Ribs & Burgers @ William Street, Perth
Right after my meal at Jamie's Italians and pass thru this outlet where there are massive queue from the counter all the way to the staircase on the night before…
Whisk Creamery @ Rokeby Road, Perth
Right after my dinner at Jamie's Italian, I was then brought to Whisk Creamery, that is located at Rokeby Road, Perth about 10 minutes drive out from city to reach…