Over one excited weekend as we party with the rest at 212 VIP Party and not to amiss with one of my favourite alcohol brand, Belvedere. Since I was expose to this bottle 4 years ago, it had been one of the favourite drinks with my girlfriends whenever party with them at club.
On that party night, many of us are looking forward for DJ Tenashar spinning for the night.
It was rather impressive that the whole place had change completely from a dining area and now to a mini staging and party area. . .
We have 3 flavours to choose from as original is with soda, then raspberry and orange. The best is always mix with raspberry in my own preference.
WE have some performance that night ..
Many guys were looking forward for this person, hail all the way from Singapore that had made her mark as no.87 in top 100 DJ spinning is DJ Tenashar. .
As always with the usual suspect, Henry, JAckie, Anna, Benjamin and Henry . .
All of us had fun that night .. .