Belvedere Vodka ‘Light the Night’ Party @ PLAY CLUB
Early of the year, usually kick of with some smaller scale of alcohol event and Bevedere Vodka is one of them that kick start pretty early this year. The pass event took place at PLAY CLUB at The Roof as the venue decked in captivating blue lights complete with signature Belvedere Trees in white hues, perfectly reflected the iconic features of the Polish vodka. Illuminated Belvedere Vodka bottles were also seen placed on customized display stands at all corners of the club; promising a picture-perfect.
Before entering into main area, most of us were given a personalised photo with their interactive light motion photography. Outcome, pretty interesting as the picture is not at my end. 😀
Here comes the signature item whereby Belvedere Bear with illuminated Jeroboam Belvedere bottle made a stylish appearance everyone just wish could kidnap it back and display it at our living room.
All of use were pamper with their premium signature Belvedere Vokda all night long. Love their stylisht light up bottle girls moving around and I just wish I could steal their glasses. Just sooo cool. On that night, PLAY, resident DJ Kino Takamura and DJ H3 kept to the momentum of the night, showcasing unparalleled energy through their ecstatic music spins of RnB, electropop, dubstep and trap.